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App - Class in de.binfalse.jatter
The main file of the JATTER application
App() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.App


Config - Class in de.binfalse.jatter
The Class Config for storing and generating configuration files.
Config() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Instantiates a new config.


de.binfalse.jatter - package de.binfalse.jatter
de.binfalse.jatter.processors - package de.binfalse.jatter.processors


expandUrl(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools
Expand url.
expandUrls(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools
Expand urls.


getJabberContact() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the jabber contact.
getJabberPassword() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the jabber password.
getJabberPort() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the jabber port.
getJabberServer() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the jabber server.
getJabberUser() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the jabber user.
getSmackMessage(Exchange) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor
Gets the smack message.
getTimeFormat() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the time format.
getTwitterAccesstoken() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter accesstoken.
getTwitterAccesstokenSecret() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter accesstoken secret.
getTwitterConsumerKey() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter consumer key.
getTwitterConsumerSecret() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter consumer secret.
getTwitterInstance(Config) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools
Gets the twitter instance.
getTwitterLocationLatitude() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter location latitude.
getTwitterLocationLongitude() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter location longitude.
getTwitterPollingintervall() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Gets the twitter pollingintervall.


help(Options, String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.App


isBotCommand(Exchange) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor
Checks if is bot command.


JabberMessageProcessor - Class in de.binfalse.jatter.processors
The Class JabberMessageProcessor.
JabberMessageProcessor(Config) - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor
Instantiates a new jabber message processor.
JatterTools - Class in de.binfalse.jatter
The Class JatterTools.
JatterTools() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools


main(String[]) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.App
Run jatter's main.


printDateFormat - Static variable in class de.binfalse.jatter.App
process(Exchange) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor
process(Exchange) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.TwitterStatusProcessor
process(Exchange) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.TwitterUpdatePreprocessor
processTwitterMessag(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.JatterTools
Process twitter messag.


readConfig(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Read config.


setJabberContact(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the jabber contact.
setJabberPassword(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the jabber password.
setJabberPort(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the jabber port.
setJabberServer(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the jabber server.
setJabberUser(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the jabber user.
setTimeFormat(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the time format.
setTwitterAccesstoken(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter accesstoken.
setTwitterAccesstokenSecret(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter accesstoken secret.
setTwitterConsumerKey(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter consumer key.
setTwitterConsumerSecret(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter consumer secret.
setTwitterLocationLatitude(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter location latitude.
setTwitterLocationLongitude(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter location longitude.
setTwitterPollingintervall(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Sets the twitter pollingintervall.
startJatter(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.App
Start a new jatter instance.


translateTwitterStatus(Status) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.TwitterStatusProcessor
Translate twitter status.
translateUser(User, String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor
Translate user.
TwitterStatusProcessor - Class in de.binfalse.jatter.processors
The Class TwitterStatusProcessor.
TwitterStatusProcessor(Config) - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.TwitterStatusProcessor
Instantiates a new twitter status processor.
TwitterUpdatePreprocessor - Class in de.binfalse.jatter.processors
The Class TwitterUpdatePreprocessor.
TwitterUpdatePreprocessor() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.TwitterUpdatePreprocessor


usage() - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.processors.JabberMessageProcessor


writeConfig(String) - Method in class de.binfalse.jatter.Config
Write config.
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