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AlphabetIterator - Class in de.binfalse.bfutils
The Class AlphabetIterator to generate dummy strings iterating over the alphabet.


byteToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Byte to hex.


CACHE_DIR - Static variable in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
The cache dir.
computeLevenshteinDistance(String, String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Compute levenshtein distance of two strings.
copy(URI, File, boolean) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Copy a file.


de.binfalse.bfutils - package de.binfalse.bfutils
decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Decode a base64 string.
delete(File) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Recursively delete file or directory.
download(String, File, boolean) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.Downloader
Download a file from the web.
download(URI, File, boolean, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Download a file from a remote location..
Downloader - Class in de.binfalse.bfutils
Downloader() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.bfutils.Downloader


encodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Encode some byte in base64.


FileRetriever - Class in de.binfalse.bfutils
Class FileRetriever to retrieve files from disk or from web.
FileRetriever() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
fileToString(File) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Read a file and return its contents as a string.
FIND_LOCAL - Static variable in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Are we allowed to search for local files?.
FIND_REMOTE - Static variable in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Are we allowed to search for files on the Internet?.


GeneralTools - Class in de.binfalse.bfutils
GeneralTools() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
getFile(URI, File) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Retrieves a file from an URI.
getFile(URI, File, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Retrieves a file from an URI.
getLowerCaseIterator() - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.AlphabetIterator
Gets an lower case iterator to iterate over a-z.
getUpperCaseIterator() - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.AlphabetIterator
Gets an upper case iterator to iterate over A-Z.
getUri(String, URI) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Compute an URI location.


hash(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Hash a message using either sha256/sha1/sha512/md5, whatever is available.
hashMd5(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Hash a message using MD5.
hashSha1(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Hash a message using SHA1.
hashSha256(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Hash a message using SHA256.
hashSha512(String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Hash a message using SHA512.
hasNext() - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.AlphabetIterator


minimum(int, int, int) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Get the minimum of 3 values.


next() - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.AlphabetIterator


prettyDouble(Double, Integer) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Beautify the display of a double d.
prettyDouble(Double, Integer, String, String) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Beautify the display of a double d.


remove() - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.AlphabetIterator
repeat(String, int) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Repeat a string.
reset() - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.SimpleOutputStream
Reset the output stream.


setUpCache(File) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.FileRetriever
Sets the up caching.
SimpleOutputStream - Class in de.binfalse.bfutils
SimpleOutputStream() - Constructor for class de.binfalse.bfutils.SimpleOutputStream
sizeOfIterable(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Calculate the size of iterable object.
stringToFile(String, File) - Static method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.GeneralTools
Write a string to a file.


toString() - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.SimpleOutputStream


write(int) - Method in class de.binfalse.bfutils.SimpleOutputStream
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