Source code for

# This file is part of the GEMtractor
# Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Scharm <>
# The GEMtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GEMtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

[docs]class Reaction: """ a reaction in a network :param identifier: the reaction's identifier :param name: the reaction's name :param reversible: is the reaction reversible? :type identifier: str :type name: str :type reversible: bool """ def __init__(self, identifier, name, reversible = True): self.identifier = identifier = name self.reversible = reversible self.consumed = [] self.produced = [] self.genes = [] self.genec = [] self.links = set ()
[docs] def add_input (self, species): """ adds a species that is consumed by this reaction :param species: the consumed species :type species: :class:`.species.Species` """ species.occurence.append (self.identifier) self.consumed.append (species.identifier)
[docs] def add_output (self, species): """ adds a species that is produced by this reaction :param species: the produced species :type species: :class:`.species.Species` """ species.occurence.append (self.identifier) self.produced.append (species.identifier)
[docs] def serialize (self, species_mapper, gene_mapper, gene_complex_mapper): """ serialize to a JSON-dumpable object the object will contain the following information: - id: the reaction's identifier - name: the reaction's name - rev: is the reaction reversible? - cons: consumed species - as list of integers pointing into the serialized species - prod: produced species - as list of integers pointing into the serialized species - enzs: enzymes that catalyze this reaction - as list of integers pointing into the serialized enzymes - enzc: enzyme complexes that catalyze this reaction - as list of integers pointing into the serialized enzyme complexes :param species_mapper: dict that maps a species id to an integer, which corresponds to the entry in the serialized species list :param gene_mapper: dict that maps a gene id to an integer, which corresponds to the entry in the serialized genes list :param gene_complex_mapper: dict that maps a gene complex id to an integer, which corresponds to the entry in the serialized gene complex list :type species_mapper: dict :type gene_mapper: dict :type gene_complex_mapper: dict :return: JSON-dumpable object :rtype: dict """ ret = { "id" : self.identifier, "name" :, "rev" : self.reversible, "cons" : [], "prod" : [], "enzs" : [], "enzc" : [] } for s in self.consumed: ret["cons"].append (species_mapper[s]) for s in self.produced: ret["prod"].append (species_mapper[s]) for g in self.genes: ret["enzs"].append (gene_mapper[g]) for g in self.genec: ret["enzc"].append (gene_complex_mapper[g]) return ret