# This file is part of the GEMtractor
# Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Scharm <https://binfalse.de>
# The GEMtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GEMtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import re
from .gene import Gene
from .genecomplex import GeneComplex
from .reaction import Reaction
from .species import Species
from ..utils import Utils
from libsbml import LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, SBMLDocument, SBMLWriter
[docs]class Network:
a class representing a network
def __init__ (self):
self.__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.species = {}
self.reactions = {}
self.genes = {}
self.gene_complexes = {}
self.have_gene_net = False
self.have_reaction_net = False
self.__annotation_about_pattern = re.compile (r"<rdf:Description rdf:about=['\"]#[^'\"]+['\"]>", re.IGNORECASE)
[docs] def add_species (self, identifier, name):
adds a species to the network
if there is not yet a species with that identifier, it will
create a new species and add it to the internal structure
eventually, the species with the corresponding identifier is returned (may be an already existing species, though)
:param identifier: the id of the species
:param name: the name of the species
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:return: the species with id 'identifier'
:rtype: :class:`.species.Species`
if identifier not in self.species:
self.species[identifier] = Species (identifier, name)
return self.species[identifier]
[docs] def add_reaction (self, identifier, name):
adds a reaction to the network
if there is not yet a reaction with that identifier, it will
create a new reaction and add it to the internal structure
eventually, the reaction with the corresponding identifier is returned (may be an already existing reaction, though)
:param identifier: the id of the reaction
:param name: the name of the reaction
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:return: the reaction with id 'identifier'
:rtype: :class:`.reaction.Reaction`
if identifier not in self.reactions:
self.reactions[identifier] = Reaction (identifier, name)
return self.reactions[identifier]
[docs] def add_gene (self, gene):
adds a gene/gene-product/enzyme to the network
if there is not yet a gene with that identifier, it will
create a new gene and add it to the internal structure
eventually, the gene with the corresponding identifier is returned (may be an already existing gene, though)
:param identifier: the id of the gene
:param name: the name of the gene
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:return: the gene with id 'identifier'
:rtype: :class:`.gene.Gene`
if gene.identifier not in self.genes:
self.genes[gene.identifier] = Gene (gene.identifier)
return self.genes[gene.identifier]
[docs] def add_genes (self, reaction, gene_complexes):
adds multiple genes to this network and to a reaction
iterates all genes and complexes from 'gene_complexes' in 'gene_complexes' and
- creates new genes if necessary (using :func:`add_gene`)
- creates new gene complexes and their genes if necessary (using :func:`add_gene`)
- links the gene and the reaction
:param reaction: the reaction that is catalyzed by gene_complexes
:param gene_complexes: list of (mixed) genes and gene complexes that catalyze the reaction
:type reaction: :class:`.reaction.Reaction`
:type gene_complexes: list of :class:`.gene.Gene` and :class:`.genecomplex.GeneComplex`
for gc in gene_complexes:
if type (gc) is Gene:
g = self.add_gene (gc)
reaction.genes.append (g.identifier)
g.reactions.append (reaction.identifier)
elif type (gc) is GeneComplex:
if len (gc.genes) == 1:
g = self.add_gene (next(iter(gc.genes)))
reaction.genes.append (g.identifier)
g.reactions.append (reaction.identifier)
gcomplex = GeneComplex ()
for g in gc.genes:
gcomplex.add_gene (self.add_gene (g))
gcomplex.calc_id ()
reaction.genec.append (gcomplex.identifier)
gcomplex.reactions.append (reaction.identifier)
self.gene_complexes[gcomplex.identifier] = (gcomplex)
raise RuntimeError ("unexpected gene type: " + type (gc))
[docs] def serialize (self):
serialize to a JSON-dumpable object
the object will contain the following information:
- species: array of :class:`.species.Species` in the network
- reactions: array of :class:`.reaction.Reaction` in the network
- enzs: array of :class:`.gene.Gene` in the network
- enzc: array of :class:`.genecomplex.GeneComplex` in the network
:return: JSON-dumpable object
:rtype: dict
self.__logger.debug ("serialising the network")
json = {
"species": [],
"reactions": [],
"enzs": [],
"enzc": [],
species_mapper = {}
reaction_mapper = {}
gene_mapper = {}
gene_complex_mapper = {}
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
self.__logger.debug ("serialising species " + identifier)
s_ser = species.serialize ()
species_mapper[identifier] = len (json["species"])
json["species"].append (s_ser)
for identifier, gene in self.genes.items ():
self.__logger.debug ("serialising gene " + identifier)
g_ser = gene.serialize ()
gene_mapper[identifier] = len (json["enzs"])
json["enzs"].append (g_ser)
for identifier, gene_complex in self.gene_complexes.items ():
self.__logger.debug ("serialising gene complex " + identifier)
g_ser = gene_complex.serialize (gene_mapper)
gene_complex_mapper[identifier] = len (json["enzc"])
json["enzc"].append (g_ser)
# add gene-genecomplex information
for g in gene_complex.genes:
json["enzs"][gene_mapper[g.identifier]]["cplx"].append (gene_complex_mapper[identifier])
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
self.__logger.debug ("serialising reaction " + identifier)
# json["reactions"][reaction.num] = reaction.serialize ()
r_ser = reaction.serialize (species_mapper, gene_mapper, gene_complex_mapper)
reaction_mapper[identifier] = len (json["reactions"])
json["reactions"].append (r_ser)
# further reduce return size: replace reaction ids in species occurrences
for s in json["species"]:
o = []
for occ in s["occ"]:
o.append (reaction_mapper[occ])
s["occ"] = o
# further reduce return size: replace reaction ids in gene occurrences
for g in json["enzs"]:
o = []
for occ in g["reactions"]:
o.append (reaction_mapper[occ])
g["reactions"] = o
for g in json["enzc"]:
o = []
for occ in g["reactions"]:
o.append (reaction_mapper[occ])
g["reactions"] = o
return json
[docs] def calc_reaction_net (self):
Calculate the reaction-centric network
Let's say you have this network:
- A -r-> B (reaction r turns A into B)
- B -s-> C (reaction s turns B into C)
then the reaction-centric network will be:
- r -> s (r links to s)
self.__logger.info ("calc reaction net")
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
num += 1
if num % 100 == 0:
self.__logger.info ("calc reaction net " + str (num))
self.__logger.debug ("calc reaction net " + reaction.identifier)
for species in reaction.consumed:
self.species[species]._consumption["r"].add (identifier)
if reaction.reversible:
self.species[species]._production["r"].add (identifier)
for species in reaction.produced:
self.species[species]._production["r"].add (identifier)
if reaction.reversible:
self.species[species]._consumption["r"].add (identifier)
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
for consumption in species._consumption["r"]:
reaction = self.reactions[consumption]
for production in species._production["r"]:
reaction.links.add (self.reactions[production])
self.have_reaction_net = True
[docs] def calc_genenet (self):
Calculate the enzyme-centric network
Let's say you have this network:
- A -r-> B (reaction r turns A into B)
- B -s-> C (reaction s turns B into C)
and let's assume the reactions are catalyzed by the following enzymes:
- r: V or W
- s: X and (Y or Z)
then the enzyme-centric network will be:
- V -> X+Y (V links to X+Y)
- V -> X+Z (V links to X+Z)
- W -> X+Y (W links to X+Y)
- W -> X+Z (W links to X+Z)
self.__logger.info ("calc gene net")
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
num += 1
if num % 100 == 0:
self.__logger.info ("calc gene associations for reaction " + str (num))
self.__logger.debug ("calc gene associations for reaction " + reaction.identifier)
for gene in reaction.genes:
self.__logger.debug ("processing gene " + gene)
for species in reaction.consumed:
s = self.species[species]
s._consumption["g"].add (gene)
if reaction.reversible:
s._production["g"].add (gene)
for species in reaction.produced:
s = self.species[species]
s._production["g"].add (gene)
if reaction.reversible:
s._consumption["g"].add (gene)
for gene in reaction.genec:
self.__logger.debug ("processing gene complex " + gene)
for species in reaction.consumed:
s = self.species[species]
s._consumption["gc"].add (gene)
if reaction.reversible:
s._production["gc"].add (gene)
for species in reaction.produced:
s = self.species[species]
s._production["gc"].add (gene)
if reaction.reversible:
s._consumption["gc"].add (gene)
self.__logger.info ("got gene associations")
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
for consumption in species._consumption["g"]:
for production in species._production["g"]:
self.genes[production].links["g"].add (self.genes[consumption])
for production in species._production["gc"]:
self.gene_complexes[production].links["g"].add (self.genes[consumption])
for consumption in species._consumption["gc"]:
for production in species._production["g"]:
self.genes[production].links["gc"].add (self.gene_complexes[consumption])
for production in species._production["gc"]:
self.gene_complexes[production].links["gc"].add (self.gene_complexes[consumption])
# ~ self.genenet[production]["links"].add (consumption)
self.__logger.info ("got gene net")
self.have_gene_net = True
[docs] def export_mn_dot (self, file_path):
export the metabolite-reaction network in DOT format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ("digraph GEMtractor {\n")
#TODO comment incl time and version?
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
nodemap[identifier] = 's' + identifier
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[identifier] + " [label=\""+identifier+"\"];\n")
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
rid = 'r' + identifier
f.write ("\t" + rid + " [label=\""+identifier+"\" shape=box];\n")
for s in reaction.consumed:
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[s] + " -> " + rid + ";\n")
for s in reaction.produced:
f.write ("\t" + rid + " -> " + nodemap[s] + ";\n")
f.write ("}\n")
[docs] def export_rn_dot (self, file_path):
export the reaction-centric network in DOT format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_reaction_net:
self.calc_reaction_net ()
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ("digraph GEMtractor {\n")
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
f.write ("\t" + identifier + " [label=\""+reaction.name+"\"];\n")
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
for r in reaction.links:
f.write ("\t" + identifier + " -> " + r.identifier + ";\n")
f.write ("}\n")
[docs] def export_en_dot (self, file_path):
export the enzyme-centric network in DOT format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_gene_net:
self.calc_genenet ()
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ("digraph GEMtractor {\n")
#TODO comment incl time and version?
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
num = num + 1
nodemap[gene] = 'g' + str(num)
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " [label=\""+gene+"\"];\n")
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
num = num + 1
nodemap[gene] = 'gc' + str(num)
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " [label=\""+gene+"\"];\n")
for gene in self.genes:
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " -> " + nodemap[associated.identifier] + ";\n")
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " -> " + nodemap[associated.identifier] + ";\n")
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " -> " + nodemap[associated.identifier] + ";\n")
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write ("\t" + nodemap[gene] + " -> " + nodemap[associated.identifier] + ";\n")
f.write ("}\n")
[docs] def export_mn_gml (self, file_path):
export the metabolite-reaction network in GML format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_gml_prefix ())
#TODO comment incl time and version?
num = 0
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
num += 1
nodemap[identifier] = str (num)
f.write (Network.create_gml_node (nodemap[identifier], "species", "ellipse", identifier))
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
num += 1
rid = str (num)
f.write (Network.create_gml_node (rid, "reaction", "rectangle", identifier))
for s in reaction.consumed:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[s], rid))
for s in reaction.produced:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (rid, nodemap[s]))
f.write ("]\n")
[docs] def export_rn_gml (self, file_path):
export the reaction-centric network in GMl format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_reaction_net:
self.calc_reaction_net ()
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_gml_prefix ())
nodemap = {}
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
num += 1
nodemap[identifier] = str (num)
f.write (Network.create_gml_node (nodemap[identifier], "reaction", "ellipse", reaction.name))
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
for r in reaction.links:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[identifier], nodemap[r.identifier]))
f.write ("]\n")
[docs] def export_en_gml (self, file_path):
export the enzyme-centric network in GML format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_gene_net:
self.calc_genenet ()
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_gml_prefix ())
#TODO comment incl time and version?
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = str (num)
f.write (Network.create_gml_node (nodemap[gene], "enzyme", "ellipse", gene))
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = str (num)
f.write (Network.create_gml_node (nodemap[gene], "enzyme_complex", "ellipse", gene))
for gene in self.genes:
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier]))
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier]))
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier]))
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write (Network.create_gml_edge (nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier]))
f.write ("]\n")
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_gml_prefix ():
create the prefix for a GML file
:return: the preamble string for GML files
:rtype: str
n = "graph [\n"
#TODO time and version?
n = n + "\tcomment \"generated using the GEMtractor\"\n"
n = n + "\tdirected 1\n"
return n
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_gml_node (nid, ntype, nshape, nlabel):
create a GML node
:param nid: the identifier of the node in the network
:param ntype: the node's type
:param nshape: the node's shape
:param nlabel: the node's label
:type nid: str
:type ntype: str
:type nshape: str
:type nlabel: str
:return: the GML representation of the network node
:rtype: str
n = "\tnode [\n"
n = n + "\t\tid " + nid + "\n"
n = n + "\t\tlabel \""+nlabel+"\"\n"
n = n + "\t]\n"
return n
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_gml_edge (source, target):
create a GML edge
:param source: the identifier of the source node in the network
:param target: the identifier of the target node in the network
:type source: str
:type target: str
:return: the GML representation of the edge
:rtype: str
n = "\tedge [\n"
n = n + "\t\tsource "+source+"\n"
n = n + "\t\ttarget "+target+"\n"
n = n + "\t]\n"
return n
[docs] def export_mn_graphml (self, file_path):
export the metabolite-reaction network in GraphML format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_graphml_prefix ())
#TODO comment incl time and version?
for identifier, species in self.species.items ():
nodemap[identifier] = 's' + identifier
f.write (Network.create_graphml_node (nodemap[identifier], "species", "ellipse", identifier))
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
rid = 'r' + identifier
f.write (Network.create_graphml_node (rid, "reaction", "rectangle", identifier))
for s in reaction.consumed:
num = num + 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + nodemap[s] + "\" target=\"" + rid + "\"/>\n")
for s in reaction.produced:
num = num + 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + rid + "\" target=\"" + nodemap[s] + "\"/>\n")
f.write ("\t</graph>\n</graphml>\n")
[docs] def export_rn_graphml (self, file_path):
export the reaction-centric network in GraphML format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_reaction_net:
self.calc_reaction_net ()
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_graphml_prefix ())
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
f.write (Network.create_graphml_node (identifier, "reaction", "ellipse", reaction.name))
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
for r in reaction.links:
num = num + 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + identifier + "\" target=\"" + r.identifier + "\"/>\n")
f.write ("\t</graph>\n</graphml>\n")
[docs] def export_en_graphml (self, file_path):
export the enzyme-centric network in GraphML format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_gene_net:
self.calc_genenet ()
nodemap = {}
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write (Network.create_graphml_prefix ())
#TODO comment incl time and version?
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = 'g' + str (num)
f.write (Network.create_graphml_node (nodemap[gene], "enzyme", "ellipse", gene))
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = 'gc' + str (num)
f.write (Network.create_graphml_node (nodemap[gene], "enzyme_complex", "ellipse", gene))
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["g"]:
num += 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + nodemap[gene] + "\" target=\"" + nodemap[associated.identifier] + "\"/>\n")
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["gc"]:
num += 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + nodemap[gene] + "\" target=\"" + nodemap[associated.identifier] + "\"/>\n")
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["g"]:
num += 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + nodemap[gene] + "\" target=\"" + nodemap[associated.identifier] + "\"/>\n")
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["gc"]:
num += 1
f.write ("\t\t<edge id=\"e" + str(num) + "\" source=\"" + nodemap[gene] + "\" target=\"" + nodemap[associated.identifier] + "\"/>\n")
f.write ("\t</graph>\n</graphml>\n")
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_graphml_prefix ():
create the prefix for a GraphML file
:return: the preamble string for GraphML files
:rtype: str
#TODO time and version?
n = "<graphml xmlns=\"http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns\"\n"
n = n + "\txmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n"
n = n + "\txsi:schemaLocation=\"http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns/1.0/graphml.xsd\"\n"
n = n + "\txmlns:y=\"http://www.yworks.com/xml/graphml\">\n\n"
n = n + "\t<key for=\"node\" id=\"layout\" yfiles.type=\"nodegraphics\"/>\n"
n = n + "\t<key for=\"node\" id=\"type\" attr.type=\"string\"><default>species</default></key>\n"
n = n + "\t<graph id=\"GEMtractor\" edgedefault=\"directed\">\n"
return n
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_graphml_node (nid, ntype, nshape, nlabel):
create a GraphML node
:param nid: the identifier of the node in the network
:param ntype: the node's type
:param nshape: the node's shape
:param nlabel: the node's label
:type nid: str
:type ntype: str
:type nshape: str
:type nlabel: str
:return: the GraphML representation of the network node
:rtype: str
n = "\t\t<node id=\"" + nid + "\">\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t<data key=\"type\">"+ntype+"</data>\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t<data key=\"layout\">\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t\t<y:ShapeNode>\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t\t\t<y:Shape type=\""+nshape+"\"/>\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t\t\t<y:NodeLabel>"+nlabel+"</y:NodeLabel>\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t\t</y:ShapeNode>\n"
n = n + "\t\t\t</data>\n"
n = n + "\t\t</node>\n"
return n
[docs] def export_rn_sbml (self, file_path, gemtractor, model_id, model_name = None, filter_species = None, filter_reactions = None, filter_genes = None, filter_gene_complexes = None, remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = True, remove_ghost_species = False, discard_fake_enzymes = False, remove_reaction_missing_species = False, removing_enzyme_removes_complex = True):
export the reaction-centric network in SBML format
will attach the trimming-settings as SBML note
writes the document using the `libsbml:SBMLWriter <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/class_s_b_m_l_writer.html>` -- returns the result of `libsbml:SBMLWriter.writeSBML <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/class_s_b_m_l_writer.html#a02d1998aee7656d7b9c3ac69d62bb66f>`_
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:param model_id: the model's identifier, will be postfixed with a greeting from us
:param model_name: the model's name, will be prefixed with a greeting from us
:param filter_species: species identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_reactions: reaction identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_genes: enzyme identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_gene_complexes: enzyme-complex identifiers to get rid of, every list-item should be of format: 'A + B + gene42'
:param remove_reaction_enzymes_removed: should we remove a reaction if all it's genes were removed?
:param remove_ghost_species: should species be removed, that do not participate in any reaction anymore - even though they might be required in other entities?
:param discard_fake_enzymes: should fake enzymes (implicitly assumes enzymes, if no enzymes are annotated to a reaction) be removed?
:param remove_reaction_missing_species: remove a reaction if one of the participating genes was removed?
:param removing_enzyme_removes_complex: if an enzyme is removed, should also all enzyme complexes be removed in which it participates?
:type file_path: str
:type model_id: str
:type model_name: str
:type filter_species: list of str
:type filter_reactions: list of str
:type filter_genes: list of str
:type filter_gene_complexes: list of str
:type remove_reaction_enzymes_removed: bool
:type remove_ghost_species: bool
:type discard_fake_enzymes: bool
:type remove_reaction_missing_species: bool
:type removing_enzyme_removes_complex: bool
:return: true on success, otherwise false
:rtype: bool
if not self.have_reaction_net:
self.calc_reaction_net ()
sbml = SBMLDocument ()
model = sbml.createModel ()
#TODO dc modified?
if model is None:
self.__logger.error ("could not create model...")
return False
model.setId (model_id + "_GEMtracted_ReactionNetwork")
if model_name is None:
model_name = model_id
model.setName ("GEMtracted ReactionNetwork of " + model_name)
Utils.add_model_note (model, filter_species, filter_reactions, filter_genes, filter_gene_complexes, remove_reaction_enzymes_removed, remove_ghost_species, discard_fake_enzymes, remove_reaction_missing_species, removing_enzyme_removes_complex)
compartment = model.createCompartment()
nodemap = {}
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
nodemap[identifier] = self.__create_sbml_reaction_species (model, identifier, reaction.name, compartment, gemtractor)
num = 0
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
for r in reaction.links:
num += 1
Network.create_sbml_reaction (model, 'r' + str (num), nodemap[identifier], nodemap[r.identifier])
return SBMLWriter().writeSBML (sbml, file_path)
def __create_sbml_reaction_species (self, model, identifier, name, compartment, gemtractor):
create an SBML reaction species for the Reaction-centric network
:param model: the SBML model
:param identifier: the identifier of the reaction
:param name: the reaction's name
:param compartment: the compartment in which the reaction will appear
:param gemtractor: the GEMtractor
:type model: `libsbml:Model <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_model.html>`_
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:type compartment: `libsbml:Compartment <sbml.org/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_compartment.html>`_
:type gemtractor: :class:`.gemtractor.GEMtractor`
:return: the SBML species representing a reaction
:rtype: `libsbml:Species <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html>`_
g = model.createSpecies ()
g.setId (identifier)
g.setMetaId (identifier)
g.setName (name)
annotations = gemtractor.get_reaction_annotations (identifier)
if annotations is not None:
annotations = self.__annotation_about_pattern.sub('<rdf:Description rdf:about="#'+identifier+'">', annotations)
if g.setAnnotation (annotations) != LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
self.__logger.error ("unable to add annotation to reaction " + identifier)
self.__logger.debug ("annotation was: " + annotations)
return g
[docs] def export_en_sbml (self, file_path, gemtractor, model_id, model_name = None, filter_species = None, filter_reactions = None, filter_genes = None, filter_gene_complexes = None, remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = True, remove_ghost_species = False, discard_fake_enzymes = False, remove_reaction_missing_species = False, removing_enzyme_removes_complex = True):
export the enzyme-centric network in SBML format
will attach the trimming-settings as SBML note
writes the document using the `libsbml:SBMLWriter <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/class_s_b_m_l_writer.html>` -- returns the result of `libsbml:SBMLWriter.writeSBML <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/class_s_b_m_l_writer.html#a02d1998aee7656d7b9c3ac69d62bb66f>`_
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:param model_id: the model's identifier, will be postfixed with a greeting from us
:param model_name: the model's name, will be prefixed with a greeting from us
:param filter_species: species identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_reactions: reaction identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_genes: enzyme identifiers to get rid of
:param filter_gene_complexes: enzyme-complex identifiers to get rid of, every list-item should be of format: 'A + B + gene42'
:param remove_reaction_enzymes_removed: should we remove a reaction if all it's genes were removed?
:param remove_ghost_species: should species be removed, that do not participate in any reaction anymore - even though they might be required in other entities?
:param discard_fake_enzymes: should fake enzymes (implicitly assumes enzymes, if no enzymes are annotated to a reaction) be removed?
:param remove_reaction_missing_species: remove a reaction if one of the participating genes was removed?
:param removing_enzyme_removes_complex: if an enzyme is removed, should also all enzyme complexes be removed in which it participates?
:type file_path: str
:type model_id: str
:type model_name: str
:type filter_species: list of str
:type filter_reactions: list of str
:type filter_genes: list of str
:type filter_gene_complexes: list of str
:type remove_reaction_enzymes_removed: bool
:type remove_ghost_species: bool
:type discard_fake_enzymes: bool
:type remove_reaction_missing_species: bool
:type removing_enzyme_removes_complex: bool
:return: true on success, otherwise false
:rtype: bool
if not self.have_gene_net:
self.calc_genenet ()
sbml = SBMLDocument ()
model = sbml.createModel ()
#TODO dc modified?
if model is None:
self.__logger.error ("could not create model...")
return False
model.setId (model_id + "_GEMtracted_EnzymeNetwork")
if model_name is None:
model_name = model_id
model.setName ("GEMtracted EnzymeNetwork of " + model_name)
# print ("adding note to en sbml")
Utils.add_model_note (model, filter_species, filter_reactions, filter_genes, filter_gene_complexes, remove_reaction_enzymes_removed, remove_ghost_species, discard_fake_enzymes, remove_reaction_missing_species, removing_enzyme_removes_complex)
nodemap = {}
compartment = model.createCompartment()
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = self.__create_sbml_gene (model, 'g' + str (num), gene, compartment, gemtractor)
# TODO: add other information if available
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
num += 1
nodemap[gene] = self.__create_sbml_gene_complex (model, 'gc' + str (num), gene, compartment, gemtractor, self.gene_complexes[gene].genes, nodemap)
# TODO: add other information if available
num = 0
for gene in self.genes:
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["g"]:
num += 1
Network.create_sbml_reaction (model, 'r' + str (num), nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier])
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["gc"]:
num += 1
Network.create_sbml_reaction (model, 'r' + str (num), nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier])
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["g"]:
num += 1
Network.create_sbml_reaction (model, 'r' + str (num), nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier])
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["gc"]:
num += 1
Network.create_sbml_reaction (model, 'r' + str (num), nodemap[gene], nodemap[associated.identifier])
return SBMLWriter().writeSBML (sbml, file_path)
def __create_sbml_gene_complex (self, model, identifier, name, compartment, gemtractor, genes, nodemap):
create an SBML gene-complex species for the Enzyme-centric network
:param model: the SBML model
:param identifier: the identifier of the gene complex
:param name: the gene complex' name
:param compartment: the compartment in which the gene complex will appear
:param gemtractor: the GEMtractor
:param genes: the genes, which are part of this complex
:param nodemap: mapper to map gene identifiers to corresponding SBML species
:type model: `libsbml:Model <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_model.html>`_
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:type compartment: `libsbml:Compartment <sbml.org/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_compartment.html>`_
:type gemtractor: :class:`.gemtractor.GEMtractor`
:type genes: list of :class:`.gene.Gene`
:type nodemap: dict
:return: the SBML species representing a gene complex
:rtype: `libsbml:Species <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html>`_
g = model.createSpecies ()
g.setId (identifier)
g.setMetaId (identifier)
g.setName (name)
annotations = ""
for gene in genes:
annotations += '<rdf:li rdf:resource="#' + nodemap[gene.identifier].getMetaId () + '" />'
if len (annotations) > 0:
annotations = """
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:bqbiol="http://biomodels.net/biology-qualifiers/">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#""" + identifier + """">
<rdf:Bag>""" + annotations + """</rdf:Bag>
if g.setAnnotation (annotations) != LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
self.__logger.error ("unable to add annotation to gene " + identifier)
self.__logger.debug ("annotation was: " + annotations)
self.__logger.warn ("gene complex has no genes: " + identifier)
return g
def __create_sbml_gene (self, model, identifier, name, compartment, gemtractor):
create an SBML gene species for the Enzyme-centric network
:param model: the SBML model
:param identifier: the identifier of the gene
:param name: the gene's name
:param compartment: the compartment in which the gene will appear
:param gemtractor: the GEMtractor
:type model: `libsbml:Model <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_model.html>`_
:type identifier: str
:type name: str
:type compartment: `libsbml:Compartment <sbml.org/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_compartment.html>`_
:type gemtractor: :class:`.gemtractor.GEMtractor`
:return: the SBML species representing a gene
:rtype: `libsbml:Species <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html>`_
g = model.createSpecies ()
g.setId (identifier)
g.setMetaId (identifier)
g.setName (name)
annotations = gemtractor.get_gene_product_annotations (name)
if annotations is not None:
annotations = self.__annotation_about_pattern.sub('<rdf:Description rdf:about="#'+identifier+'">', annotations)
if g.setAnnotation (annotations) != LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS:
self.__logger.error ("unable to add annotation to gene " + identifier)
self.__logger.debug ("annotation was: " + annotations)
return g
[docs] @staticmethod
def create_sbml_reaction (model, identifier, reactant, product):
create an SBML reaction for the Enzyme-centric or Reaction-centric network
the reaction will consume and produce exactly one species
:param model: the SBML model
:param identifier: the identifier of the reaction
:param reactant: the reactant consumed by the reaction
:param product: the product produced by the reaction
:type model: `libsbml:Model <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_model.html>`_
:type identifier: str
:type reactant: `libsbml:Species <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html>`_
:type product: `libsbml:Species <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_species.html>`_
:return: the SBML reaction
:rtype: `libsbml:Reaction <http://sbml.org/Special/Software/libSBML/docs/python-api/classlibsbml_1_1_reaction.html>`_
r= model.createReaction ()
r.setId (identifier)
r.addReactant (reactant)
r.addProduct (product)
return r
[docs] def export_mn_csv (self, file_path):
export the metabolite-reaction network in CSV format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ('"source","target"\n')
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
rid = 'r' + identifier
for s in reaction.consumed:
f.write ('"s' + s + '","' + rid + '"\n')
for s in reaction.produced:
f.write ('"' + rid + '","s' + s + '"\n')
[docs] def export_rn_csv (self, file_path):
export the reaction-centric network in CSV format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_reaction_net:
self.calc_reaction_net ()
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ('"source","target"\n')
for identifier, reaction in self.reactions.items ():
for r in reaction.links:
f.write ('"' + identifier + '","' + r.identifier + '"\n')
[docs] def export_en_csv (self, file_path):
export the enzyme-centric network in CSV format
:param file_path: where to store the exported format?
:type file_path: str
if not self.have_gene_net:
self.calc_genenet ()
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
f.write ('"source","target"\n')
for gene in self.genes:
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write ('"' + gene + '","' + associated.identifier + '"\n')
for associated in self.genes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write ('"' + gene + '","' + associated.identifier + '"\n')
for gene in self.gene_complexes:
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["g"]:
f.write ('"' + gene + '","' + associated.identifier + '"\n')
for associated in self.gene_complexes[gene].links["gc"]:
f.write ('"' + gene + '","' + associated.identifier + '"\n')