Source code for

# This file is part of the GEMtractor
# Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Scharm <>
# The GEMtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GEMtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

[docs]class GeneComplex: """ a gene complex (or gene product complex, or enzyme complex) in a network :param gene: initialize this complex with a first gene :type gene: :class:`.gene.Gene` """ def __init__(self, gene = None): self.genes = set () self.reactions = [] self.links = {"g":set (), "gc":set()} self.identifier = None if gene is not None: self.genes.add (gene)
[docs] def add_gene (self, gene): """ add another gene to this complex :param gene: the gene to add to this complex :type gene: :class:`.gene.Gene` """ self.genes.add (gene)
[docs] def add_genes (self, gene_complex): """ add all genes of another complex to this complex will iterate the genes in the other gene_complex, to add each of them to this complex :param gene_complex: the gene complex to copy the genes from :type gene_complex: :class:`GeneComplex` """ for g in gene_complex.genes: self.genes.add (g)
[docs] def get_id (self): """ get the identifier of this complex will calculate the id using :func:`calc_id`, if the id is not yet calculated .. warning:: the id can only be calculated once! so please only calculate it when the complex contains all genes :return: the identifier of this complex :rtype: str """ if self.identifier is None: self.calc_id () return self.identifier
[docs] def contains_one_of (self, genes = []): """ check if this complex contains one of the genes of a given list :param genes: the list of gene identifiers :type genes: list of str :return: True if any of the genes in this complex is found in the genes list, otherwise False :rtype: bool """ for g in self.genes: if g.identifier in genes: return True return False
[docs] def calc_id (self): """ calculate the identifier of this complex .. warning:: please note that this can only be calculated once! so only calculate it when the complex contains all genes :raises RuntimeError: if the identifier was already calculated before """ if self.identifier is not None: raise RuntimeError ("cannot overwrite the id of a gene complex") gl = [] for g in self.genes: gl.append (g.identifier) self.identifier = " + ".join (sorted (gl))
[docs] def to_sbml_string (self): """ serialize this complex to a valid SBML infix string will join the list of genes using 'and', and cares about brackets... :return: the SBML infix expression :rtype: str """ gs = [] for g in self.genes: gs.append (g.identifier) return "(" + (" and ".join (sorted (gs))) + ")"
[docs] def to_string (self): """ serialise this complex into a string mainly for debugging purposes :return: the string representation of this complex :rtype: str """ gs = "" for g in self.genes: gs += g.identifier + "+" return "GeneComplex["+gs+"]"
[docs] def serialize (self, gene_mapper): """ serialize to a JSON-dumpable object will calculate the id using :func:`calc_id`, if the id is not yet calculated .. warning:: the id can only be calculated once! so please only calculate it when the complex contains all genes the object will contain the following information: - id: the complex' identifier - enzs: list of enzymes that part of this complex - as list of integers pointing into the serialized enzymes - reactions: which reactions does the complex catalyze? :param gene_mapper: dict that maps a gene id to an integer, which corresponds to the entry in the serialized genes list :type gene_mapper: dict :return: JSON-dumpable object :rtype: dict """ if self.identifier is None: self.calc_id () ret = { "id": self.identifier, "enzs" : [], "reactions": self.reactions } for g in self.genes: ret["enzs"].append (gene_mapper[g.identifier]) return ret