Source code for gemtract.views

# This file is part of the GEMtractor
# Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Scharm <>
# The GEMtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GEMtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import os

from django.shortcuts import redirect, render, reverse

from modules.gemtractor.constants import Constants
from modules.gemtractor.utils import Utils

from .forms import ExportForm

[docs]def __prepare_context (request): """ prepare the context dictionary to always send default information to the browser :param request: the request :type request: `django:HttpRequest <>`_ :return: the default context :rtype: dict """ context = {} if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME in request.session: context[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES in request.session: context[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES] if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION in request.session: context[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION] if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES in request.session: context[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES] if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES in request.session: context[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES] context['current_url'] = request.resolver_match.route return context
[docs]def model_exists (request): """ does a model actually exist? maybe it was cleared by the cache or we had some storage issues? :param request: the request :type request: `django:HttpRequest <>`_ :return: true if the user's model exists :rtype: bool """ if not Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID in request.session: return False if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE in request.session and os.path.isfile (Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key)): os.utime (Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key)) return True return False
# Create your views here.
[docs]def index(request): """ answer the request for /gemtract - delivers the index page - optionally accepts an uploaded model - optionally displays the top bar with different steps :param request: the request :type request: `django:HttpRequest <>`_ :return: redirect to filter after upload, otherwise delivers the template """ if request.session.session_key is None: request.session[Constants.SESSION_HAS_SESSION] = Constants.SESSION_HAS_SESSION_VALUE if request.method == 'POST' and 'custom-model' in request.FILES and request.FILES['custom-model']: model = request.FILES['custom-model'] filename = Utils.get_upload_path (request.session.session_key) with open(filename, 'wb+') as destination: for chunk in model.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID] = os.path.basename(filename) request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] = request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE] = Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE_UPLOAD Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES) Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION) Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES) Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES) return redirect('gemtract:filter') # filterModel (request) # #return HttpResponseRedirect (reverse ('gemtract:filter')) # #render(request, 'gemtract/index.html', {'model': request.session['model']}) context = __prepare_context (request) context["NEXT_l"] = False context["PREV_l"] = False context['error'] = False if not model_exists (request): if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID in request.session: context['error'] = "did not find model on the server... either your session expired or our storage needed to be cleaned for some reason." Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES) Utils.del_session_key (request, context, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES) else: context["NEXT_s"] = "Step 2" context["NEXT_t"] = "Trim the Model" context["NEXT_l"] = reverse ('gemtract:filter') return render(request, 'gemtract/index.html', context)
[docs]def filter(request): """ answer the request for /gemtract/filter delivers the filter template :param request: the request :type request: `django:HttpRequest <>`_ :return: redirect to /gemtract on error, otherwise delivers the template """ if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID not in request.session: return redirect('gemtract:index') context = __prepare_context (request) context['error'] = False if not model_exists (request): return redirect('gemtract:index') context["PREV_s"] = "Step 1" context["PREV_t"] = "Select other Model" context["PREV_l"] = reverse ('gemtract:index') context["NEXT_s"] = "Step 3" context["NEXT_t"] = "Export the Results" context["NEXT_l"] = reverse ('gemtract:export') return render(request, 'gemtract/filter.html', context)
[docs]def export(request): """ answer the request for /gemtract/export delivers the export template :param request: the request :type request: `django:HttpRequest <>`_ :return: redirect to /gemtract on error, otherwise delivers the template """ if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID not in request.session: return redirect('gemtract:index') context = __prepare_context (request) if not model_exists (request): return redirect('gemtract:index') context = __prepare_context (request) context['error'] = False context['form'] = ExportForm(initial={'network_type':'en','remove_reaction_genes_removed': True, 'remove_reaction_missing_species': False,'remove_ghost_species': False, 'discard_fake_enzymes': False, 'removing_enzyme_removes_complex': True, 'network_format': 'sbml'}) context["NEXT_l"] = False context["PREV_s"] = "Step 2" context["PREV_t"] = "Trim the Model" context["PREV_l"] = reverse ('gemtract:filter') return render(request, 'gemtract/export.html', context)