# This file is part of the GEMtractor
# Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Scharm <https://binfalse.de>
# The GEMtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GEMtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import json
import logging
import os
import tempfile
import urllib
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import (HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseServerError,
from django.shortcuts import redirect, reverse
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from libsbml import SBMLWriter
from gemtract.forms import ExportForm
from modules.gemtractor.constants import Constants
from modules.gemtractor.gemtractor import GEMtractor
from modules.gemtractor.utils import Utils
from modules.gemtractor.exceptions import (InvalidBiggId, InvalidBiomodelsId,
InvalidGeneExpression, TooBigForBrowser,
__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_session_data (request):
get your session data at /api/get_session_data
the returned JSON object will have the following keys:
- status: 'success' if it was successful
- data: dict of the data:
- session: dict on session keys and values
- files: array of string about uploaded files
.. code-block:: json
"status": "success",
"data": {
"session": {
"has_session": "yes",
"model_id": "e_coli_core",
"model_name": "e_coli_core",
"model_type": "bigg",
"filter_species": [],
"filter_reactions": [],
"filter_enzymes": [],
"filter_enzyme_complexes": []
"files": []
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the user's session
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.session.session_key is None:
return JsonResponse ({
"data": {}
files = []
if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE in request.session and request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE] == Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE_UPLOAD:
files.append (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID] + " (" + Utils.human_readable_bytes (os.path.getsize(Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key))) + ")")
s = {}
for key, value in request.session.items ():
s[key] = value
return JsonResponse ({
"data": {
"session": s,
"files": files
[docs]def clear_data (request):
clear your data at /api/clear_data
will return a JSON object with one key 'status' and the value 'success' if successful
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the success
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE in request.session and request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE] == Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE_UPLOAD:
os.remove (Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key))
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_HAS_SESSION)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, None, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES)
return JsonResponse ({
[docs]def get_network (request):
get the network at /api/get_network
as encoded in the currently selected model
the returned JSON object will look like this (check for 'status' = 'success'):
.. code-block:: json
"occ":[ 27, 10 ]
{"...": "..."}
"cons":[ 30, 10 ],
"prod":[ 17 ],
"enzs":[ 13 ],
"enzc":[ 1 ]
{"...": "..."}
"reactions":[ 22 ],
"cplx":[ 42 ]
{"...": "..."}
"id":"b0116 + b0738",
"enzs":[ 12, 28 ],
"reactions":[ 23 ]
{"...": "..."}
"filter_species":[ "..." ],
"filter_reactions":[ "..." ],
"filter_enzymes":[ "..." ],
"filter_enzyme_complexes":[ "..." ]
special notes:
- network.species[x].occ: in which reactions does the species appear? -> link into the network.reactions array
- network.reactions[x].cons: which species are consumed? -> link into the network.species array
- network.reactions[x].prod: which species are produced? -> link into the snetwork.pecies array
- network.reactions[x].enzs: which enzymes catalyze the reaction? -> link into the network.enzs array
- network.reactions[x].enzc: which enzyme complexes catalyze the reaction? -> link into the network.enzc array
- network.enzs[x].reactions: which reactions are catalyzed by the enzyme? -> link into the network.reactions array
- network.enzs[x].cplx: in which enzyme complexes does the enzyme participate? -> link into the network.enzc array
- network.enzc[x].enzs: which enzymes participate in this complex? -> link into the network.enzs array
- network.enzc[x].reactions: which reactions are catalyzed by this complex? -> link into the network.reactions array
- network.filter.filter_species: list of species identifiers (str)
- network.filter.filter_reactions: list of reaction identifiers (str)
- network.filter.filter_enzymes: list of gene identifiers (str)
- network.filter.filter_enzyme_complexes: list of gene complex identifiers (str)
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the network
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.method == 'POST':
return redirect('index:index')
if Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID in request.session:
__logger.info ("getting sbml")
gemtractor = GEMtractor (Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key))
# gemtractor.get_sbml ()
network = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
if len (network.species) + len (network.reactions) > settings.MAX_ENTITIES_FILTER:
raise TooBigForBrowser ("This model is probably too big for your browser... It contains "+str (len (network.species))+" species and "+str (len (network.reactions))+" reactions. We won't load it for filtering, as you're browser is very likely to die when trying to process that amount of data.. Max is currently set to "+str (settings.MAX_ENTITIES_FILTER)+" entities in total. Please export it w/o filtering or use the API instead.")
__logger.info ("got sbml")
# ~ network.calc_genenet ()
# ~ __logger.info ("got genenet")
filter_species = []
filter_reaction = []
filter_enzymes = []
filter_enzyme_complexes = []
if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES in request.session:
filter_species = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES]
if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION in request.session:
filter_reaction = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION]
if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES in request.session:
filter_enzymes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES]
if Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES in request.session:
filter_enzyme_complexes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES]
__logger.info ("sending response")
if len (network.species) + len (network.reactions) + len (network.genes) + len (network.gene_complexes) > settings.MAX_ENTITIES_FILTER:
raise TooBigForBrowser ("This model is probably too big for your browser... It contains "+str (len (network.species))+" species, "+str (len (network.reactions))+" reactions, "+str (len (network.genes))+" genes, and "+str (len (network.gene_complexes))+" gene complexes. We won't load it for filtering, as you're browser is very likely to die when trying to process that amount of data.. Max is currently set to "+str (settings.MAX_ENTITIES_FILTER)+" entities in total. Please export it w/o filtering or use the API instead.")
net = network.serialize()
__logger.info ("serialised the network")
return JsonResponse ({
"filter": {
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES: filter_species,
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION: filter_reaction,
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES: filter_enzymes,
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES: filter_enzyme_complexes,
except TooBigForBrowser as e:
__logger.error ("error retrieving network: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except IOError as e:
__logger.error ("error retrieving network: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except InvalidGeneExpression as e:
__logger.error("InvalidGeneExpression in model " + request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID] + ": " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error": "The model uses an invalid gene expression: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
#return JsonResponse ({"nope": "nope"})
# invalid api request
return redirect('index:index')
[docs]def prepare_filter (request):
prepare the session filter setup
produced empty arrays for
- request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES]
- request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION]
- request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES]
- request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES]
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
if not Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES in request.session:
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES] = []
if not Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION in request.session:
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION] = []
if not Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES in request.session:
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES] = []
if not Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES in request.session:
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES] = []
[docs]def sort_gene_complexes (complexes):
sorts the genes in the gene complex identifiers
splits every identifier it at " + ", sorts the parts, and joins them with " + "
- input: ["z + k + y", "a + b"]
- output: ["k + y + z", "a + b"]
:param complexes: the complex identifiers
:type complexes: list of str
:return: the sorted identifiers
:rtype: list of str
c2 = []
for c in complexes:
if " + " not in c:
raise InvalidGeneComplexExpression ("do not understand the following gene complex: " + c)
c2.append (" + ".join (sorted (c.split (" + "))))
return c2
[docs]def store_filter (request):
store the user's filters in the session at /api/store_filter
returns the stored filters in a json object just like this
.. code-block:: json
check for "status" = "success"
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the filters
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.method != 'POST':
return redirect('index:index')
prepare_filter (request)
succ, data = parse_json_body (request)
if not succ:
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":data})
if "species" in data and isinstance(data["species"], list):
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES] = data["species"]
if "reaction" in data and isinstance(data["reaction"], list):
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION] = data["reaction"]
if "enzymes" in data and isinstance(data["enzymes"], list):
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES] = data["enzymes"]
if "enzyme_complexes" in data and isinstance(data["enzyme_complexes"], list):
request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES] = sort_gene_complexes (data["enzyme_complexes"])
except InvalidGeneComplexExpression as e:
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success",
"filter": {
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES: request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES],
Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES: request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES],
[docs]def get_bigg_models (request):
get the list of models from BiGG at /api/get_bigg_models
returns the models in a json object just like this
.. code-block:: json
"organism":"Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655",
{"...": "..."}
check for "status" = "success"
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the models
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
models = Utils.get_bigg_models ()
models["status"] = "success"
return JsonResponse (models)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting bigg models: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"is BiGG models down? "+str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting bigg models: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
__logger.error ("error getting bigg models: " + str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
__logger.error ("error getting bigg models: " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
[docs]def select_bigg_model (request):
select a certain model from BiGG at /api/select_bigg_model
expects JSON with the key "bigg_id" posted to this endpoint, just like:
.. code-block:: json
returns JSON {"status": "success"} if successful
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the success
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.method != 'POST':
return redirect('index:index')
succ, data = parse_json_body (request, ["bigg_id"])
if not succ:
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":data})
Utils.get_bigg_model (data["bigg_id"])
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID] = data["bigg_id"]
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] = data["bigg_id"]
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE] = Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE_BIGG
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES)
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success"})
except InvalidBiggId as e:
__logger.error ("error getting bigg model: " + data["bigg_id"] + " -- " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting bigg model: " + data["bigg_id"] + " -- " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
__logger.error ("error getting bigg model: " + data["bigg_id"] + " -- " + str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
__logger.error ("error getting bigg model: " + data["bigg_id"] + " -- " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
[docs]def get_biomodels (request):
get the list of models from biomodels at /api/get_biomodels
returns the models in a json object just like this
.. code-block:: json
"name":"Jiang2007 - GSIS system, Pancreatic Beta Cells",
"submitter":"Kieran Smallbone",
{"...": "..."}
check for "status" = "success"
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the models
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
models = Utils.get_biomodels ()
models["status"] = "success"
return JsonResponse (models)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"is biomodels down? "+str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels models: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels models: " + str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels models: " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
[docs]def select_biomodel (request):
select a certain model from biomodels at /api/select_biomodel
expects JSON with the key "biomodels_id" posted to this endpoint, just like:
.. code-block:: json
returns JSON {"status": "success"} if successful
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the success
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.method != 'POST':
return redirect('index:index')
succ, data = parse_json_body (request, ["biomodels_id"])
if not succ:
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":data})
Utils.get_biomodel (data["biomodels_id"])
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID] = data["biomodels_id"]
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] = data["biomodels_id"]
request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE] = Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE_BIOMODELS
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES)
Utils.del_session_key (request, {}, Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES)
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success"})
except UnableToRetrieveBiomodel as e:
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels model: " + data["biomodels_id"] + " -- "+ getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except InvalidBiomodelsId as e:
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels model: " + data["biomodels_id"] + " -- " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels model: " + data["biomodels_id"] + " -- " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error": "Does such a model exist? Can't download from Biomodels: " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels model: " + data["biomodels_id"] + " -- " + str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'reason', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
__logger.error ("error getting biomodels model: " + data["biomodels_id"] + " -- " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
[docs]def parse_json_body (request, expected_keys = []):
parse some json payload
loads the json payload from the request and checks if all keys in expected_keys are present
:param request: the request
:param expected_keys: array of keys to expect
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:type expected_keys: array of str
:return: [true, parsed data] if all expected keys were found, otherwise [false, error message]
:rtype: [bool, dict] or [bool, message]
for k in expected_keys:
if k not in data:
return False, "request is missing key: " + k
return True, data
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
return False, "request is not proper json"
[docs]def serve_file (request, file_name, file_type):
server a file at /api/serve/file_name/file_type
serves the file user-generated file
:param request: the request
:param file_name: the name of the file, will be used in HTTP's Content-Disposition
:param file_type: the mime type of the file, will be used to indicate the mime-type in the HTTP response
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:type file_name: str
:type file_type: str
:return: HTTP 200 and the file or 404 if no such file
:rtype: `django:HttpResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#httpresponse-objects>`_
if request.session.session_key is None:
return HttpResponseBadRequest("bad session")
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("file does not exist")
return Utils.serve_file (file_path, file_name, file_type)
[docs]def export (request):
export the gemtracted file at /api/export
generates the export and returns some JSON data to call /api/serve ... (-> :func:`serve_file`)
expects a job submitted as HTTP POST form data (see :class:`.gemtract.forms.ExportForm`), just like:
.. code-block:: python
network_type: en
network_format: sbml
removing_enzyme_removes_complex: on
returns as JSON object such as:
.. code-block:: python
"status": "success",
"name": "BIOMD0000000006-gemtracted-EnzymeNetwork.sbml",
"mime": "application/xml"
check for "status" = "success"
if the request was not successful, the 'status' key will have a value other than 'success'
and there will be an 'error' key with some information about what went wrong
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the exported file
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
if request.session.session_key is None or Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME not in request.session:
return HttpResponseBadRequest("no such session")
prepare_filter (request)
form = ExportForm(request.POST)
if (form.is_valid()):
file_name = request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME] + "-gemtracted"
gemtractor = GEMtractor (Utils.get_model_path (request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_TYPE], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session.session_key))
except Exception as e:
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"the model has an issue: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e))})
sbml = gemtractor.get_sbml (
filter_species = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES],
filter_reactions = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION],
filter_genes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES],
filter_gene_complexes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES],
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_enzymes_removed'],
remove_ghost_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_ghost_species'],
discard_fake_enzymes = form.cleaned_data['discard_fake_enzymes'],
remove_reaction_missing_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_missing_species'],
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = form.cleaned_data['removing_enzyme_removes_complex'])
if form.cleaned_data['network_type'] == 'en':
file_name = file_name + "-EnzymeNetwork"
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
net.calc_genenet ()
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'sbml':
file_name = file_name + ".sbml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_en_sbml (file_path, gemtractor, request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME],
filter_species = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES],
filter_reactions = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION],
filter_genes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES],
filter_gene_complexes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES],
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_enzymes_removed'],
remove_ghost_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_ghost_species'],
discard_fake_enzymes = form.cleaned_data['discard_fake_enzymes'],
remove_reaction_missing_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_missing_species'],
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = form.cleaned_data['removing_enzyme_removes_complex'])
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating SBML file"})
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'dot':
file_name = file_name + ".dot"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_en_dot (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/dot"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'graphml':
file_name = file_name + ".graphml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_en_graphml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'gml':
file_name = file_name + ".gml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_en_gml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/gml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'csv':
file_name = file_name + ".csv"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_en_csv (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "text/csv"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"invalid format"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_type'] == 'rn':
file_name = file_name + "-ReactionNetwork"
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
net.calc_reaction_net ()
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'sbml':
file_name = file_name + ".sbml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_rn_sbml (file_path, gemtractor, request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_ID], request.session[Constants.SESSION_MODEL_NAME],
filter_species = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_SPECIES],
filter_reactions = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_REACTION],
filter_genes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYMES],
filter_gene_complexes = request.session[Constants.SESSION_FILTER_ENZYME_COMPLEXES],
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_enzymes_removed'],
remove_ghost_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_ghost_species'],
discard_fake_enzymes = form.cleaned_data['discard_fake_enzymes'],
remove_reaction_missing_species = form.cleaned_data['remove_reaction_missing_species'],
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = form.cleaned_data['removing_enzyme_removes_complex'])
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating SBML file"})
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'dot':
file_name = file_name + ".dot"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_rn_dot (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/dot"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'graphml':
file_name = file_name + ".graphml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_rn_graphml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'gml':
file_name = file_name + ".gml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_rn_gml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/gml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'csv':
file_name = file_name + ".csv"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_rn_csv (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "text/csv"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"invalid format"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_type'] == 'mn':
file_name = file_name + "-MetabolicNetwork"
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'sbml':
file_name = file_name + ".sbml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
SBMLWriter().writeSBML (sbml, file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
if form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'dot':
file_name = file_name + ".dot"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_mn_dot (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/dot"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'graphml':
file_name = file_name + ".graphml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_mn_graphml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/xml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'gml':
file_name = file_name + ".gml"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_mn_gml (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "application/gml"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
elif form.cleaned_data['network_format'] == 'csv':
file_name = file_name + ".csv"
file_path = Utils.create_generated_file_web (request.session.session_key)
net.export_mn_csv (file_path)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
return JsonResponse ({"status":"success", "name": file_name, "mime": "text/csv"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"error generating file"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"invalid format"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"invalid network type"})
return JsonResponse ({"status":"failed","error":"submitted data is invalid"})
def execute (request):
execute a job at /api/execute
processed the job, that is send as JSON HTTP POST data, such as:
.. code-block:: python
"export": {
"filter": {
"species": ["h2o", "atp"],
"reactions": [],
"enzymes": ["gene_abc"],
"enzyme_complexes": ["a + b + c", "x + Y", "b_098 + r_abc"],
"file": model
returns HTTP 200 and the generated file, or some other HTTP status and an error message
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: HTTP 200 and the file or 404 if no such file
:rtype: `django:HttpResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#httpresponse-objects>`_
if request.method != 'POST':
return redirect(reverse('index:learn') + '#api')
succ, data = parse_json_body (request, ["file", "export"])
if not succ:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(data)
inputFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
with open(inputFile.name, 'w') as f:
f.write (data['file'])
filter_species = []
filter_reactions = []
filter_enzymes = []
filter_enzyme_complexes = []
if "filter" in data:
if "species" in data["filter"]:
filter_species = data["filter"]["species"]
if "reactions" in data["filter"]:
filter_reactions = data["filter"]["reactions"]
if "enzymes" in data["filter"]:
filter_enzymes = data["filter"]["enzymes"]
if "enzyme_complexes" in data["filter"]:
filter_enzyme_complexes = sort_gene_complexes (data["filter"]["enzyme_complexes"])
except InvalidGeneComplexExpression as e:
return HttpResponseBadRequest ("error: " + str (getattr(e, 'code', repr(e))) + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
if not isinstance(filter_species, list):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("filter species needs to be an array")
if not isinstance(filter_reactions, list):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("filter for reactions needs to be an array")
if not isinstance(filter_enzymes, list):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("filter for enzymes needs to be an array")
if not isinstance(filter_enzyme_complexes, list):
return HttpResponseBadRequest("filter for enzyme complexes needs to be an array")
export = data["export"]
if "network_type" not in export:
return HttpResponseBadRequest ("job is missing the desired network_type (en|rn|mn)")
if "network_format" not in export:
return HttpResponseBadRequest ("job is missing the desired network_format (sbml|dot|graphml|gml|csv)")
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = True
remove_reaction_missing_species = False
remove_ghost_species = False
discard_fake_enzymes = False
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = True
if "remove_reaction_enzymes_removed" in export:
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = export["remove_reaction_enzymes_removed"]
if "remove_ghost_species" in export:
remove_ghost_species = export["remove_ghost_species"]
if "discard_fake_enzymes" in export:
discard_fake_enzymes = export["discard_fake_enzymes"]
if "remove_reaction_missing_species" in export:
remove_reaction_missing_species = export["remove_reaction_missing_species"]
if "removing_enzyme_removes_complex" in export:
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = export["removing_enzyme_removes_complex"]
gemtractor = GEMtractor (inputFile.name)
sbml = gemtractor.get_sbml (
filter_species = filter_species,
filter_reactions = filter_reactions,
filter_genes = filter_enzymes,
filter_gene_complexes = filter_enzyme_complexes,
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = remove_reaction_enzymes_removed,
remove_ghost_species = remove_ghost_species,
discard_fake_enzymes = discard_fake_enzymes,
remove_reaction_missing_species = remove_reaction_missing_species,
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = removing_enzyme_removes_complex)
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponseBadRequest ("the model has an issue: " + getattr(e, 'message', repr(e)))
outputFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
if export["network_type"] == "en":
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
# net.calc_genenet ()
if export["network_format"] == "sbml":
net.export_en_sbml (outputFile.name, gemtractor, sbml.getModel ().getId (), sbml.getModel ().getName (),
filter_species = filter_species,
filter_reactions = filter_reactions,
filter_genes = filter_enzymes,
filter_gene_complexes = filter_enzyme_complexes,
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = remove_reaction_enzymes_removed,
remove_ghost_species = remove_ghost_species,
discard_fake_enzymes = discard_fake_enzymes,
remove_reaction_missing_species = remove_reaction_missing_species,
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = removing_enzyme_removes_complex)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.sbml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the sbml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "dot":
net.export_en_dot (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.dot", "application/dot")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the dot file")
elif export["network_format"] == "graphml":
net.export_en_graphml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.graphml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the graphml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "gml":
net.export_en_gml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.gml", "application/gml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the gml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "csv":
net.export_en_csv (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.csv", "text/csv")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the csv file")
elif export["network_type"] == "rn":
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
# net.calc_reaction_net ()
if export["network_format"] == "sbml":
net.export_rn_sbml (outputFile.name, gemtractor, sbml.getModel ().getId () + "_RN", sbml.getModel ().getName () + " converted to ReactionNetwork",
filter_species = filter_species,
filter_reactions = filter_reactions,
filter_genes = filter_enzymes,
filter_gene_complexes = filter_enzyme_complexes,
remove_reaction_enzymes_removed = remove_reaction_enzymes_removed,
remove_ghost_species = remove_ghost_species,
discard_fake_enzymes = discard_fake_enzymes,
remove_reaction_missing_species = remove_reaction_missing_species,
removing_enzyme_removes_complex = removing_enzyme_removes_complex)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.sbml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the sbml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "dot":
net.export_rn_dot (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.dot", "application/dot")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the dot file")
elif export["network_format"] == "graphml":
net.export_rn_graphml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.graphml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the graphml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "gml":
net.export_rn_gml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.gml", "application/gml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the gml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "csv":
net.export_rn_csv (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.csv", "text/csv")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the csv file")
elif export["network_type"] == "mn":
if export["network_format"] == "sbml":
SBMLWriter().writeSBML (sbml, outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.sbml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the sbml file")
net = gemtractor.extract_network_from_sbml ()
if export["network_format"] == "dot":
net.export_mn_dot (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.dot", "application/dot")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the dot file")
elif export["network_format"] == "graphml":
net.export_mn_graphml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.graphml", "application/xml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the graphml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "gml":
net.export_mn_gml (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.gml", "application/gml")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the gml file")
elif export["network_format"] == "csv":
net.export_mn_csv (outputFile.name)
if os.path.exists(outputFile.name):
return Utils.serve_file (outputFile.name, "gemtracted-model.csv", "text/csv")
return HttpResponseServerError ("couldn't generate the csv file")
return HttpResponseBadRequest ("job is not well formed, not sure what to do...")
def status (request):
get the status of this instance
this will clean obsolete files
send the health-secret as JSON POST to get health information about this instance:
.. code-block:: json
{"secret": "XXXX"}
this will then return a json object listing how many files and data we store, such as:
.. code-block:: json
"status": "success",
"cache": {
"biomodels": {
"nfiles": 8,
"size": 212254013
"bigg": {
"nfiles": 5,
"size": 59429817
"user": {
"uploaded": {
"nfiles": 0,
"size": 0
"generated": {
"nfiles": 0,
"size": 0
:param request: the request
:type request: `django:HttpRequest <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/_modules/django/http/request/#HttpRequest>`_
:return: json object with information about the exported file
:rtype: `django:JsonResponse <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/request-response/#jsonresponse-objects>`_
Utils.cleanup ()
response = {"status": "success"}
if request.method == 'POST':
succ, data = parse_json_body (request, [])
if not succ:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(data)
if settings.HEALTH_SECRET == "" or ("secret" in data and data["secret"] == settings.HEALTH_SECRET):
Utils.collect_stats (response)
# TODO bit more information
return JsonResponse (response)